New - KOS Winter Talks

There will be a programme of talks beginning on Wednesday December 18th with

Nicole Khan - KOS Member -' Surveying the Turtle Dove Population in Kent' 

 [Other talks in the year will take place on January 15th - Simon Ginnaw on the Curlew introduction programme at Elmley; February 19th - Barry Wright will talk about Swanscombe Marshes  and on March 19th Conor Jameson will talk about Goshawks.  More details closer to the dates of each talk will be sent to all members]

Nicole Khan - Turtle Doves in Kent

Nicole has worked for the RSPB for 12 years and has been the RSPB Turtle Dove Advisor for Kent since 2018. Prior to that Nicole was the warden at the RSPB  reserve at Rainham Marshes, managing a wet grassland reserve for breeding waders.
 Nicole’s lifelong passion is nature and she is a keen birdwatcher, an interest that was ignited in her garden in East London at the age of six when she encountered a handsome Blue Tit.  
Nicole spends most weekends birding at her local patch in Blean Woods.

Talks last approximately 40 minutes with time then for questions and discussion from participants.  We look forward to seeing you 'online' on the 18th.  A great pre-Christmas Treat!!

Click the link below to join this free meeting:-

KOS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: KOS Winter Talk Programme
Time: Dec 18, 2024 07:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 981 8659 1916
Passcode: 096111





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